devl00p's infosec stuff

Solution du challenge Tokyo de

Scenario: “Tokyo”: can’t serve web file Level: Medium Type: Fix Tags: apache realistic-interviews Description: There’s a web server serving a file /var/www/html/index.html with content “h...

Solution du challenge Salta de

Scenario: “Salta”: Docker container won’t start. Level: Medium Type: Fix Tags: docker realistic-interviews Description: There’s a “dockerized” Node.js web application in the /home/admin/app d...

Solution du challenge Oaxaca de

Scenario: “Oaxaca”: Close an Open File Level: Medium Type: Fix Tags: bash unusual-tricky Description: The file /home/admin/somefile is open for writing by some process. Close this file withou...

Solution du challenge Melbourne de

Scenario: “Melbourne”: WSGI with Gunicorn Level: Medium Type: Fix Tags: gunicorn nginx realistic-interviews Description: There is a Python WSGI web application file at /home/admin/ ,...

Solution du challenge Manhattan de

Scenario: “Manhattan”: can’t write data into database. Level: Medium Type: Fix Tags: disk volumes postgres realistic-interviews Description: Your objective is to be able to insert a row in ...

Solution du challenge Lisbon de

Scenario: “Lisbon”: etcd SSL cert troubles Level: Medium Type: Fix Tags: etcd ssl realistic-interviews Description: There’s an etcd server running on https://localhost:2379 , get the value ...

Solution du challenge Cape Town de

Scenario: “Cape Town”: Borked Nginx Level: Medium Type: Fix Tags: nginx realistic-interviews Description: There’s an Nginx web server installed and managed by systemd. Running curl -I 127.0.0...

Solution des scénarios Easy de

SadServers change des CTF de hacking classique : ici, vous avez à disposition un serveur cassé (avec une fonction qui ne marche pas comme il faut) et votre mission est de le réparer. Il n’y a pas ...

How I Automated Wapiti to Find Vulnerable WordPress Plugins

Introduction This is not the first time I have automated Wapiti in order to find vulnerabilities : In September 2019, I conducted some mass vulnerability scanning on the Internet to figure out how...

Cross-Site Scripting (reflected) dans le plugin Wordpress Reservation

Présentation du plugin Le plugin Reservation se présente de cette façon : Navotar Car Rental Reservation Plugin can be easily plugged into your website. Add the Car Rental Reservation Plugi...